Goodmorning Onceuponiani, 
Perfect for fans of Holly Black's Folk of the Air series and The Falconer, A Cursed Kiss is the first book in a series of interconnected novels and novellas set on the mythical island of Airren.
Let's find out together what I think... 

A Cursed Kiss 

Titolo: A Cursed Kiss 
Serie: Myths of Airren #1 
Autrice: Jenny Hickman
Editore: Jennifer Fyfe
Pagine: 405
Genere: Fantasy 
Data di uscita: 15 Febbraio 2024
Prezzo ebook: 4,62 € | Link acquisto Amazon
Prezzo cartaceo: 20,89 € | Link acquisto Amazon

Living on an island plagued by magic and mythical monsters isn’t a fairy tale... it’s a nightmare.
After Keelynn witnesses her sister's murder at the hands of the legendary Gancanagh, an immortal creature who seduces women and kills them with a cursed kiss, she realizes there’s nothing she wouldn't do to get her back. With the help of a vengeful witch, she’s given everything she needs to resurrect the person she loves most.
But first, she must slay the Gancanagh.
Tadhg, a devilishly handsome half-fae who has no patience for high society—or propriety—would rather spend his time in the company of loose women and dark creatures than help a human kill one of his own.
That is until Keelynn makes him an offer he can’t refuse.
Together, they embark on a cross-country curse-breaking mission that promises life but ends in death.



La serie 'Myths of Airren ' è così composta:
1. A Cursed Kiss 
1,5. Prince of Seduction
2. A Cursed Heart
2,5. Prince of Deception
3. A Cursed Love



Jenny grew up in Oakland, Maryland and currently lives in County Tipperary, Ireland with her husband & two children. Her love of reading blossomed the summer after graduating high school, when she borrowed a paperback romance from her mother during the annual family beach vacation.
From that sunny day forward, she’s been a lover of stories with Happily-Ever-Afters. 
Member: The Author’s Guild & ALLI


I was immediately impressed by the aesthetics of this book. Beautiful indeed, like all foreign fantasy! They always make you want to buy every book in the fantasy publishing landscape. 
“Don’t do that.” My words were a strangled plea.
The smirk disappeared. “Do what?”
He knew bloody well what he had done. “Use your magic on me.”
He started shaking his head. “I wasn’t—”
“You were! I could smell it.” It clung to my tongue. Invaded my pores. Making me want this. Want him. Because there was no way I would feel this unbidden desire for a creature without it. 
His head tilted, and he studied me until clinical coldness replaced the warmth in his glowing green gaze. “Sometimes it slips free without my permission,” he said quietly, looking down at his flexing hands. “I will try to control it better.”
What was this? Tadhg was giving in? No lewd comment? No inappropriate suggestions? 
When I read the plot of this novel, I immediately imagined a super strong female character who would evolve as the story unfolded. 
Unfortunately, in my opinion, this was not the case. I found her spoilt, a young girl who has no idea what it means to love, (she will practically always throw herself at the one who can give her something useful), and above all selfish. Why does she want to save her sister? Because she misses him, and because otherwise she is lonely.... 
“The creatures are not to be trusted. None of us are safe until they are wiped from Airren altogether!” 
Don’t trust the creatures.
It was a lesson we humans had been taught since birth. 
But wiping them from the island? 
That sounded wrong. 
I dared another glance at Tadhg. 
High cheekbones beneath tanned skin. Strong jaw flexing in irritation. Perfect lips made for sinful things. 
I had kissed my fair share of boys—a consequence of growing up pretending to be a fairy tale princess. Most of them hadn’t been worth remembering. 
If Tadhg kissed me—
Don’t trust the creatures.
I shoved the apple into my cloak pocket. 
This was how they worked, burrowing into your head until you couldn’t get rid of them. 
I needed to be more vigilant. 
 “If you see one, be wary. If it tries to trick you into giving it refuge, send it away,” the crier shouted, red-faced with passion. “If it tries to harm you . . . end its miserable life.” 
Murmurs from the crowd lifted in agreement. 
“And you think we’re the monsters,” Tadhg muttered under his breath before turning on his heel and stalking toward the carriage. 
Of course they were the monsters . . . weren’t they?
Also as far as Tadhg is concerned.... Beautiful, charming and cursed, but for what reason did he fall in love with her? No because honestly in all the pages of the novel, maybe they will talk seriously 1 or 2 times.... In my opinion the evolution of the love story, which makes you passionate and, let's face it, even sigh, is missing. 
“Not all of us have the luxury of love. Sometimes we monsters like to pretend we’re wanted for more than an escape or a distraction.” He pushed to standing, dusted off his breeches, and started for the cottage.
Bloody hell. Why had I said that?
“Tadhg, wait.” I clambered to my feet and raced after him. “I didn’t mean that the way it came out. I genuinely—”
He whirled, eyes swirling with black. “Genuinely what? Care?” He huffed a humorless chuckle. “You’re such a shit liar, it’s a wonder Fiadh bothered cursing you at all.”
“Let’s not pretend this is more than it is. Like you said, we don’t even like each other. You needed a distraction, and I was more than happy to oblige. That’s it. End of discussion.” His gaze fell to my bare feet, covered in sand and bits of grass. “Get your boots on. We need to be on our way.” 
I watched him stalk to the door and rip it open. 
You needed a distraction.
I could claim it wasn’t true, but we both knew it was. 
It's a pity because honestly this story could have had a lot of potential. Above all I didn't expect some twists and turns that livened up the story and left me speechless. 
Precisely for this reason I honestly can't go beyond three and a half stars. 
Let me know what you think, as always I give you a big hug. 



xoxo, Eleonora